
Une auberge à Corrençon-en-Vercors (An inn in Corrençon)

En vacances dans les Alpes, et en famille, que je ne vois pas souvent. Je manque donc de temps car les journées sont emplies de marches en montagne, et longues distances à vélo. Mais j'ai pu trouver 2 heures pour dessiner et me balader dans le village voisin. Pas grand monde fin août.
Une petite fille et sa maman viennent voir ce que je fais, et la petite demande à sa mère si l'eau de mon aquarelle est un médicament. Sourires. Une autre petit fille s'approche, timide. Je lui souris, lui dis bonjour, elle se sauve vite, toute timide. Moments sympas.

Marlow's notebook

I have been meeting weekly with my long time friend Marlow and his sister Kayte at her studio, and we talk, he writes, she studies, and I draw. It's been fun doing this and it absolutely makes me want to sketch more. This quickly drawn sketch is Marlow's notebook. I asked him how old it was because he is one to make things last, not liking all that is disposable and new. Kudos to him. I have known a version of this notebook or another throughout the years and he uses it to jot down notes for his writing. I have always been fascinated by it: in such a small space it holds so many things people have said, so many things he saw, and so many ideas for inspiration. It's a world in its own.

White man

Alan was doing some insulation work in the basement. Not fun, yet it was for me when I saw his outfit! He almost looked like he's working in a nuclear power plant. I loved the very white of his suit contrasting with the blue Nitrile gloves and begged him to pose for me. He obliged gracefully and I did this piece as fast as I could, focusing on the overall shape, noting the deep blue hue so that I could add color later. This was super fun, there is nothing like spontaneity when it comes to drawing.
Micron pen, watercolor.