I have recently discovered a wonderful way to finish my paintings, which lend them this beautiful jewel-like or and eggshell quality, depending on the very final steps.
The first one is definitely more sexy, similar to Ferrari car finish, only thicker and more luscious. The other goes a couple of steps further, and the result is a soft satiny finish, yet as transparent, and it seems more appropriate for some of my nature related art, requiring a more organic look.
As far as edges go, I let the painting guide my decision. Not all paintings look good with natural wood edges, in spite of the panel birch wood color being beautiful. At times, I can simply see that the whole will look more appealing if painted. I also do not like to attract much attention to the edges, are the painting needs to be the focus. For this reason, I never use any type of finish that could distract the viewer, such as paper pattern collaged on or textured paint.
Finally, I have opted out of using frames all together as I feel that it is an unnecessary element. I like how the imagination can expand beyond the sharp edges of the painting and a frame would create a stop to that. That said, at time I have considered using a floater frame and that is something that may help me enhance my work in the future. For now, simple and beautiful is best.
Painterly yours,
Quote of the day:
"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls."
~ Pablo Picasso