
When do I paint?

Like everyone these days, I'm very busy with various projects. Most of them are art-related, which is what I prefer by far. But many are not, and this is what our life is made of: following our bliss, when we dare doing so, and everything branching out from it. Then there is... the rest. Some of that "rest" can be quite fulfilling as well, and is necessary; otherwise, as artists, we would be way to obsessed with doing only what we love doing. The rest of life is here to allow us to spend time with family members, walk our dogs, see friends, help others, etc. and address more mundane chores such as shopping for food, cleaning, bills, and more. You know your list, don't you? Some are fortunate and can hire help. Many of us can't and we have to take care of things on top of pursuing our passion.

When do I paint, then? I know morning are when I'd prefer to, but last fall I decided to help a friend of mine for a few hours in the morning during the week. It does help paying bills and it's a fun opportunity to be out of the studio, surrounded with people and helping. I now have as a habit to paint in the afternoon instead, after lunch and exercise. My sessions often start around 3:30 pm and can run until 7 pm with a couple of breaks here and there. I don't like to fall into a rabbit hole while painting and it is good to distance myself from my work. Looking at swallows flying around while sipping on a coffee, or lying in the grass on my back and staring at the clouds are my favorites.

This daily commitment to painting is a great way to progress. There are days, indeed, when I can't paint, or have very little time, and I will always try to get in my studio, even for half an hour. I don't wait for inspiration, I don't let myself be distracted, I simply commit to showing up every day.
It's this constancy that allows my work to move along. 


Painting on wood panels

I do all my work in acrylics on wood panels instead of canvas. I prefer by far using a hard surface since I layer a lot of paint. But, mainly, I distress paintings with gusto, using sandpaper and all sorts of gouging tools from dry points to screwdrivers and knives. A canvas absolutely cannot withstand this treatment, neither does illustration board, although I made a couple of paintings on the latter and it was more forgiving than canvas, but was way too porous, and sanding didn't work very well.

What I like best is when I sand is that the results are usually beautiful. This process allows me to get a softer, worn out look, sometimes even grunge-like and adding a glaze or paint on top is like the cherry on the cake. I can build much depth, and no other surface allows me to do so.

I also, on occasion, add collage to my work and paper glued onto wood is perfect, since it's made from trees. There are no issues as long as you use medium properly and here too, the result is gorgeous. Same with transferring an image from a laser printer copy, which I'm starting to explore some. One more process is using artist tape to get very straight lines, and that would not work so well on canvas.

My favorite suppliers are RexArt and American Easel. RexArt even creates custom sizes.
Here are the links to their sites:


Upcoming solo show in June and July

Last September, I was one of the lucky 9 nominees in the Jackson Rising IV exhibit and had the privilege to have been given a large space on the wall for several pieces. Witnessing the curiosity and interest the audience had in my work was most rewarding and encouraging. 

I am very happy to see my second show happening. And this time, it's a solo show! It will be in Isabel Jewelry & Gallery in Pinedale, WY, an hour away from Jackson, and there will be a reception on June 17, from 5 to 7 pm. Come for a great time and it's a good opportunity to see my friend Isabel beautiful and classy jewelry work.

I have been painting a lot, and will have new work, and some from last year. I am experimenting and learning a lot these days, so my style is maturing and evolving. I intend to post regularly now on, and have been, in fact, on Instagram where you can follow me anytime @audenevius

I want to share my process as I work and make you a part of it.

So, come on June 17 if you are near, if not, keep reading my blog!

Thank you,